Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It's here! It's here! That magical day is finally here! It's the day that our kids go out and beg for free candy that they then bring home for us parents to pig out on after they go to bed. And being that it's a "holiday" all those calories just don't count, right? At least that's what I was always told. I'll choose to just go on believing that. And that is why a large portion of my kids' chocolate will be eaten tonight while I try to catch up on some DVR goodies.

Now, moving on from my chocoholism to my crack addiction. I went back and forth for what seemed like forever about what to put on my nails for Halloween. I thought about a candy corn mani, and even tried a couple, but I just couldn't get it to look as nice as I wanted it. And I've seen a few combos this year of green and purple and I really liked that. My twin girls were wearing costumes to school today so they were also trying to decide what they wanted on their nails last night. This was a serious ordeal!
See if you can spot the boy child that I didn't realize was there. :)

 I finally got their nails done and got them off to bed last night. It took quite some time to get the 4-year-old boy child and the 7-year-old Aspie girl child to calm down enough to go to sleep. They were SO excited about Halloween! But I was finally able to focus on my own nails and this is what I finally ended up with:
Without flash
I'm not completely sure how happy I am with how this turned out. I liked it more before I topped it with glitter, but I went ahead with it because there were a couple of little imperfections from the taping that I was too tired to re-do. Glitter is a great cover-up for things like that!

With flash
I also topped it with China Glaze's Ghoulish Glow, a glow-in-the-dark top coat, which kind of dulled the purple. I was disappointed by that because I love purple, but hopefully it will pay off when we go trick-or-treating tonight.

The colors I used here are China Glaze* I'm With the Lifeguard (I was SO psyched to get to use one of my summer neons again!), Zoya* Suri (one of my favorite purples), topped with China Glaze Make a Spectacle, then Ghoulish Glow, and as always, Seche Vite*.

I hope you all have a Happy Halloween! Stay safe, stay warm, and don't get sick from all that candy! :)

*China Glaze and Seche Vite can be purchased at your local Sally's Beauty Supply and Zoya can be purchased from or your local Ulta store.

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