I know what you're doing. You're sitting on the edge of your seat. You've got the news on the TV and several tabs open in your internet browser, hitting "Refresh" every couple of minutes so that you'll immediately know as soon as another district's results come in.
Calm down! I'm not looking in your window. You're doing the same thing everyone else is doing tonight. But not me. My nerves can't handle it. There has simply been too much drama in this presidential race, too much name calling, too many conspiracy theories, etc. And the race is far too close for my tastes. I did my part last week. I voted. There's nothing else I can do. So, I did what I always do when I need to de-stress - I found something on the DVR (tonight it was Sunday's episode of The Good Wife...I just love that show!) and I did my nails. Tonight, in honor of our great country, I took a patriotic route.
I used
Zoya colors here; the red is Karina, the blue is Song. Then I used a silver Stripe Rite down the middle before dotting Purity on top.
No matter who wins today's election, I must say I am so thankful to live in a country where we can freely vote without fear of any retaliation. Where we can worship, work, go to school, etc. I don't think that we, as Americans, truly realize how blessed we are by that. There are so many out in the world that don't have those rights that we take for granted. Many men and women fought and died so that we could have those rights. And men and women, and even children, are dying every day still around the world so that others can have the same kind of rights. We get so caught up here by the petty things around us (yes, I know this is coming from someone who blogs primarily about nail polish, but just go with it), about who disagrees with us, about who's to blame for what, etc. that we forget about just how rich we all are.
If you're reading this, then you have access to a computer and the internet. You most likely live and sleep somewhere secure with a roof over your head. You have enough to eat every day. You have clothes to wear. Those things make you wealthier than the vast majority of others in the world. I'm not saying you have it easy. I'm a single mom making it by on disability and child support. I know it's not easy for most of us. But just take a moment. Look around you. Be thankful.